Comer chocolate Amargo e chocolate ao leite - Ensaio Clinico randomizado
Achei o ensaio excelente e só demonstra que fazer as escolhas certas faz toda a diferença, no começo pode parecer estranho, mas depois, comer chocolate com mais de 75% se torna algo divino, além das receitas que o mesmo promove e o paladar propriamente dito, vou colocar o comentário do Dr. Souto abaixo pois foi o mesmo quem encontrou o estudo e publicou no grupo assim dando os devidos créditos ao mesmo.
O site dele caso alguém não saiba (não deve morar neste planeta na verdade rs, mas de qualquer forma segue:
Comentario do Dr. Souto na integra:
Link para original do estudo:
Resumo tirado diretamente do link acima:
To compare the effect of dark and milk chocolate on appetite sensations and energy intake at an ad libitumtest meal in healthy, normal-weight men.
A total of 16 young, healthy, normal-weight men participated in a randomized, crossover study. Test meals were 100 g of either milk (2285 kJ) or dark chocolate (2502 kJ). Visual-analogue scales were used to record appetite sensations before and after the test meal was consumed and subsequently every 30 min for 5 h. An ad libitum meal was served 2 h after the test meal had been consumed.
The participants felt more satiated, less hungry, and had lower ratings of prospective food consumption after consumption of the dark chocolate than after the milk chocolate. Ratings of the desire to eat something sweet, fatty or savoury were all lower after consumption of the dark chocolate. Energy intake at the ad libitum meal was 17% lower after consumption of the dark chocolate than after the milk chocolate (P=0.002). If the energy provided by the chocolate is included in the calculation, the energy intake after consumption of the dark chocolate was still 8% lower than after the milk chocolate (P=0.01). The dark chocolate load resulted in an overall energy difference of −584 kJ (95% confidence interval (−1027;−141)) during the test period.
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